Why should you get IV therapy if you are having surgery?
Lack of proper nutrition delays wound healing and leaves surgical patients more vulnerable to surgical complications. Studies show that most people have some level of nutrient depletion. Many more Americans are at risk for reduced nutrient levels because of food choices and the Standard American Diet.
By providing optimal vitamin supplementation before and after surgery, we can positively influence how well you heal. This affirmation is especially true in an obese or overweight patient. The risk of complications from other medical conditions increases significantly as weight increases. Patients who are poorly nourished, obese, and diabetic are particularly prone to surgery-related complications, including wound infection and poor healing (bad scarring).
Influence on the immune response to IV Therapy
Deficits in micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) such as zinc, selenium, and vitamin B6 negatively influence the immune response. Replacing these nutrients before surgery can have a significant and measurable effect on results by favorably reducing free radicals caused by surgery and anesthesia, increasing the immune system, reducing bruising, and swelling, and promoting better wound healing. Optimal nutrition is essential so that your systems work at their peak efficiency. If you are undergoing surgery, you want peak immune function to prevent infection, peak clotting function to reduce bleeding and bruising, and peak protein synthesis for collagen formation and repair for better and minimal scarring.
Deficiencies of even a single nutrient results in altered immune responses even when the deficiency is mild. Obesity, diabetes, and other chronic diseases of metabolic and nutritional imbalance can significantly and negatively impact surgical outcomes and complications.
Some nutrients you do not want to take since they can increase bleeding risks, but others are essential to healing. Undergoing surgery with reduced nutrition increases your risk. Surgical patients with malnutrition are two to three times more likely to have minor and major surgical complications such as decreased wound strength (where the wound can open back up), increased rates of infection, delayed wound healing, increased inflammation, increased bruising, and increased risk of death. In addition, the length of
hospitalization can be extended by 90 percent compared with the stay of well-nourished patients.
Major surgery itself increases the risk of malnutrition because of stress, thus resulting in the increase of the metabolism using nutrients to rebuild. Plastic surgery outcomes are also profoundly affected by pre and post-operative nutritional status.
Pre and post-operative IV nutrients supply your cells with the nutrients, co-factors, vitamins, and minerals necessary for their peak functioning so that your risk of complications is diminished and your healing is optimal.
In summary, IV pre and post-operative nutrition can decrease bruising, swelling, inflammation, pain, scarring, and infection rates. It will also improve wound healing and recovery time, especially for that person choosing to have elective cosmetic surgery—you want the best outcome with the least amount of scarring.
MD Touch Aesthetics and Wellness Pre and Post IV Nutritional Therapy program includes all in-office services for convenience and patient care:
Pre-Op Required Steps:
1. Complete Physical & Medical Clearance toward IV Nutrition at a discounted rate with our PA or MD.
2. Pre and post-Operation IV therapy can be scheduled in our office. Call for Details.
3. Customized vitamins and IV Therapy for surgical patients.
4. Full panel wellness screening lab (if required).
5. Lifestyle and Wellness Coach Consultation.
- Amino Acid.
- Potassium.
- Molybdenum.
- Copper.
- Vitamin C.
- Pyridoxine.
- Calcium.
- Selenium.
If IV nutritional therapy before and after surgery is the best way to ensure optimal nutrition and minimize swelling, bruising, pain, scarring, and infection. Call MD Touch Aesthetics and Wellness today at (954) 960-6321 to learn more about our pre-operative and postoperative IV therapy services. To contact us online, please click here.
The dedicated MD Touch Aesthetics & Wellness team in Coral Springs, Florida, can help you quickly feel your best again.
M.D., PHD, F.A.C.O.G., CCS