Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
Feel better with Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
If you suffer from chronic fatigue, weight gain, hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings, the underlying issue could be hormone depletion. The dedicated MD Touch Aesthetics & Wellness team in Coral Springs, Florida, has extensive bioidentical hormone replacement therapy expertise. This natural therapy can help you quickly feel your best again.
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy FAQ
What are the symptoms of hormone depletion?
Hormone depletion affects women and men, though the symptoms differ. Symptoms often tied to hormone depletion in women include:
- Hot flashes
- Night sweats
- Chronic fatigue
- Weight gain
- Poor libido
- Depression
- Concentration difficulties
Common symptoms of hormone depletion in men include:
- Low libido
- Erectile difficulties
- Hair loss
- Muscle loss
- Fat gain
- Fatigue
- Depression
Hormone depletion can have a more significant effect than you realize. When your hormone levels are low, it can negatively affect all parts of your life.

What causes hormone depletion?
In most cases, hormone depletion happens as you age. At least 14 million men and women over age 40 suffer from hormone depletion. Hormone depletion can occur at other times, too. Fortunately, there are great hormone replacement options available at MD Touch Aesthetics & Wellness.
What is bioidentical hormone replacement therapy?
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is a natural way to restore your hormone levels. Traditional hormone replacement uses synthetic hormones, which are derived from animal sources such as mare urine. Bioidentical hormones come from natural plant sources, including soybeans and yams. They’re altered in a medical laboratory to be identical in molecular structure to your natural hormones. In bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, your MD Touch Aesthetics & Wellness physician implants tiny pellets just below your skin. Over time, the bioidentical hormones are released into your blood to help you maintain ideal hormone levels for great health.
What happens after bioidentical hormone replacement therapy?
Most patients notice a positive change quite quickly, usually within 2-4 weeks. It can take several months to achieve the optimal hormone balance and maximum benefits. MD Touch offers a full anti-aging and wellness protocol. With this whole-body protocol, you can enjoy the optimal effect of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy as quickly as possible. Most patients enjoy a dramatic improvement in their symptoms after bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. You’ll likely notice that your mood is better, you have more energy, your sex life improves, and it’s easier to lose weight and stay in shape. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can help you feel like yourself again and possibly better than ever before.
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